Reengineering a new Nigeria

The Prosperity Mandate

Prosperity Mandate Includes

Economic Management

Infrastructure Delivery

Financing the Nigerian Geoeconomic Development Plan

To finance the Nigerian Geoeconomic Development Plan (N-GDP), as president, | will be the Marketer-in-Chief of Nigeria's economic potential. I will lead Nigeria with the conviction that a clear-cut national vision can unleash our nation’s enormous wealth. A bankable national business model, creatively and passionately communicated, can alter the flow of wealth in the direction of any nation.

Economic Management

We will achieve the Prosperity Mandate by launching the Nigerian Geoeconomic Development Plan (N-GDP) on day one of my inauguration as president. The Nigerian Geoeconomic Development Plan (N-GDP) is a new way of looking at our GDP; therefore, you would be right to refer to it as The New GDP. Guided by the N-GDP, we will rebuild Nigeria's economy around six competitive geoeconomic zones, triple Nigeria's GDP to $1.5 trillion by 2030, and industrialize Nigeria around the hub-and-spoke model of industrialisation. This will see the emergence of industrial cities in each geoeconomic zone made of several industrial clusters. The industrial clusters will in turn be linked to feeder hubs and enterprise zones in the respective regions. The N-GDP will guide our policies, institutions and investments across various sectors including Solid Minerals, Agriculture, Manufacturing and SMEs.

Infrastructure Delivery

Furthermore, as part of the Progress Mandate, on infrastructure delivery, we will align the National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan (NIIMP) with the Nigerian Geoeconomic Development Plan (N-GDP). We will consolidate ongoing developments in transportation by redirecting investments towards a systematic and multimodal transportation agenda. Through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), we will build a 10-lane 3,000km North-South superhighway which will be systematically linked to regional roads and subways feeding each geoeconomic zone.